- Admission to all classes is governed by the rules laid down by the Govt.of Kerala and the Universit of Kerala from time to time.
- Application for admission should be made in the prescribed form available in the college office on payment of Rs.50/-
- No student who has provisionally studied in an recognized school or college (including D.B, College, Sasthamcotta) shall be admitted to the college unless he/she produces transfer certificate in the proper format.
- Students who came from other universities must produce the eligibility certificate and migration certificate before admission.
- No student will be enrolled or allowed to attend any class until the fee due from him/ her is paid.
- No. Student of the college will be allowed to attend any other course of study or any other institution before obtaining withdrawal from the college.
- Any candidate who is found to have obtained admission through false representation will be dismissed and will forfeit whatsoever fees he/she may have paid.
- Fee at the following rates will be collected in the office from 10.00 a to 2.30 pm on the due dates which will be announced in time.
- No. student will be enrolled or allowed to attend any class until the fees from him /her has been paid.
- Any candidates who is found to have secured admittion by false representation wil be send away forthwith and he/she forfeit what ever fees he/she has remitted.
- No. Transfer certificate will be issued to those from whom there are any dues to college. Application for T.C shall be submitted to the issued unless there is a certificate from an officer ordinarily not below the rank of first class magistrate to the effect that T.C has been lost irrecoverably
- Examination. S.S.L.C Book, mark list etc. have to be claimed within a year after leaving the college. The college office will not be responsible for any damage or loss with certificate left unclaimed by the student.
- All students shall be clean and modest in dress, language and behaviour.
Students are expected to carry their identity card while they are in the campus. The identity card must be produced whenever demanded by the Principal or other competent authority. - Students shall not disfigure college desk or benches with writings or engravings of descriptions and should not tamper with or damage any article/object of the college.
- If the students feel to make representations to higher authorities they may do so only through the Principal.
- Students are not allowed to loiter on the Veranda or stand crowding in the premises during the free hour. They have to remain in the reading room or waiting room or their own classrooms keeping complete silence.
- Smoking and chewing tobacco are strictly prohibited within the college premises. Students who enter the college after consuming alcoholic drinks will be expelled.
- A student requiring leave for an hour for valid reasons may apply to the tutor before that class begins.
- Attendance shall be marked at the beginning of each class.
- Students whose attendance falls below 75% shall have to apply for the exemptions through the principal to the University.