The college is situated at Sasthamcotta, Kollam District, Kerala, India. This college is situated near the Sasthamcotta lake, which is the largest fresh water lake in Kerala.

Proposed site for the construction of Computer Lab and Cafeteria Block

Proposed design
The new Computer Lab and Cafeteria Block has been developed as a two-storey building of area 4095 Sq. ft accommodating 2 computer labs, Cafeteria, separate toilets for ladies and gents, toilet for differently-abled persons, courtyard and balcony.
Footing and column structure foundation, Outer Exposed Interlock brick (compressed Mud Block) masonry walls, RCC flat roofing, steel windows, Wooden doors, PVC doors for toilets, rustic tiles flooring, ceramic tile flooring for toilets are proposed.
GROUND FLOOR- AREA- 2510 Sq. ft.
- Computer Lab
- Cafeteria
- Courtyard
- Toilets for ladies and gents
- Toilet for differently abled Persons
- Verandah
- Passage
- Computer Lab
- Balcony
Total area – 4095 Sq.ft
Estimated Cost : Rs. 1,00,00,000

Perspective View

Renovation Work – North Block
The proposal is envisaged to fulfill the required infrastructure facilities of the college. The main renovation work in this proposal includes laying tiles for classrooms and the verandah of the northern block which includes the area near the Department of History. Proposed Renovation work – North Block
- Dismantling old plaster.
- Providing and laying Vitrified tiles.
- Plastering Work
- Dismantling and refixing of Doors and Windows
- Providing shutters for existing windows and Doors
- Providing False Ceiling to one Classroom
- Painting
Existing Condition North Block
Proposed Plan North Block

View of classroom after providing false ceiling