The Grievance Redressal and Counselling Cell (GRCC) of the college is a forum that addresses genuine problems /complaints of students mainly and those of other stakeholders of the institution too. Besides, the Cell also takes up matters of counselling when required.
The GRCC has been constituted with the college Principal as Ex -officio Chairman and 6 members, duly considered from the Language, Science, Humanities and Commerce fraternities of the college.
The GRCC for the academic year 2020 -21 includes:-
1. Dr. K.S.Anil Kumar , Principal ( Chairman )
2. Dr. Sushil Kumar.R, Asso.Prof of English (Convener)
3. Dr. Beena .B , Asso.Prof of Chemistry (Member)
4. Dr.Mini Chandran ,Asso.Prof of Zoology (Member)
5. Dr. Madhu .T, Asst .Prof of Malayalam (Member)
6. Dr.Ajesh.S.R, Asst.Prof of Commerce (Member)
7. Prof.Sreekala.M, Asst Prof of Economics (Member)
This ‘student-friendly’ forum strives to maintain a conducive and unbiased environment in the campus, focusing on academic and non -academic matters. The Cell shall redress grievances at the individual level / class level / college level. The regulations for the same are being drafted and will be published soon; following the UGC Regulations of 2018. Students are requested to note that filing a complaint is serious and hence they are to use the power in a responsible manner. At the same time, the college assures students that once a complaint is made, it will be treated with sensitively and confidentiality.
The provision for filing complaints will be online -facilitated.
The CLMC and the Tutorial Wing of the college will also have an integral role in the functioning of the Cell.
Anticipating the cooperation of one and all. .