Hindi Department & Kerala Literacy Mission Club
Report on International Anti Drug Day (June 2022) Programme
" Addressing drug challenges in health and humanitarian crisis "
The day aims to spread awareness on the Global problem drug abuse and illicit trafficking . Hence to execute the same our Hindi department in collaboration with Kerala Literacy Mission Club organised a programme . This event started with prayer and pledge to achieve the goal of a world free of drug abuse by the faculty and students of Hindi department , members of Kerala literacy mission club. Some of our students submitted so many meaningful posters. This will also help to channelize their energy towards creative and positive art and work. we also started a students WhatsApp group for giving them important information, classes, video regarding drug abuse . It will help us to achieve our goal .
We hope the awareness program of our department and Kerala literacy mission club will awake the consciousness of our students and will inspire them to live a life full of dignity and make them responsible person towards our Society and Nation.
Dr. Dhanya L
HOD & Assistant professor
Convenor, Kerala State Literacy Mission Club