Sanskrit Day is one of the eagerly awaited events celebrated every year in the Department of Sanskrit, KSMDB College, Sasthamcotta. The full moon day of the month Śrāvaṇa is celebrated all over the world as Sanskrit day. The Covid-19 pandemic constrained the entire human community in the year 2020. However, this year too, Sanskrit Day was celebrated beautifully in our Department. In previous years, the festival was celebrated for one day only, but this time the Department of Sanskrit has been able to turn it into a two - week event called Samskritaganga-2020. The convener of the Sanskritganga was Dr. Susmi Sabu, Assistant Professor in the Department of Sanskrit. The programme was started on August 3, 2020 and ended on August 16. Due to the inability to attend college in a regular manner due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the programs were broadcasted through the Department’s official Facebook group and Youtube channel- Samskritajyoti.
On August 3rd 2020, the Head of the Department of Sanskrit- Dr.S.Susanth officiated the inauguration. In the following days, teachers and students of PG and UG classes of the Department presented several programs. All the programs were focused entirely on Sanskrit language. Under two sections viz., Subhāṣita-mañjari and Viśva-samskṛta Sanskrit programmes such as rendering of Subhāṣita, Sandeśa-kathana, Samskṛta gānālāpana and Akṣaraśloka-pathadarśini were performed. The Department also received good responses from audiences inside and outside the college. On the last day i.e., 16th of August 2020, the convener of Sanskrit Ganga 2020, Dr.Susmi Sabu wind up the programme with vote of thanks.