Period: 2016-2020
Convener :Dr. Meera A.P.
Members: Dr. Preetha G. Prasad, Dr. Mini Chandran C, Dr. Suma N.D, Dr. Shemeena Basheer, Dr. Shelma R
Science has always been an important part of our lives. Everything we do or experience is a scientific phenomenon. The field of science is ever-growing and expanding. Science Club is dedicated to provide proper incentive and inspiration for the pursuit of scientific knowledge in vigorous way by broadening their scientific outlook.
The main objectives of a science club are:
- To create special interest in latest inventions and discoveries of science related fields
- To get acquainted with the life history and contributions of great scientists.
- To apply their scientific knowledge in the practical application related to different branches of sciences.
- To create interest in scientific facts and events in the surroundings which can help to eliminate the existing myths and superstitions.
The Science Club 2018-19 was inaugurated by Dr. R Raveendran, Emeritus Professor and Retd. Principal, S.N Colleges. He gave an excellent talk on the topic ‘Why Science?’ The function was presided over by the Principal, Dr. K. Beena. Dr. Meera A.P, Convenor, Science Club delivered welcome address followed by felicitations by Prof. S. Leela, HOD, Physics, Prof. P.K Reji, HOD, Chemistry, Dr. B Beena, Convenor, Research Committee and Dr. Geethakrishnan Nair, HOD, Botany. Dr. PreethaG.Prasad delivered Vote of thanks. All science students and faculty members attended the inaugural function.
Major events organized:
Ozone Day Celebrations-2018
World Ozone Day has been celebrated since 1994 and was designated by the United Nations General Assembly. The day is mainly intended to spread awareness of the depletion of the Ozone Layer and search for solutions to preserve it. This special day is observed on September 16th to mark the day back in 1987 when the Montreal Protocol was signed. The programme was jointly organized by Research and P.G Department of Chemistry and Science Club of the college. On 16th September 2018, Poster and oral presentation contests were conducted based on the focal theme ‘Keep Cool and Carry on ! The Montreal Protocol’ Many students participated very actively and prizes were distributed for the best poster and oral contest winners.
Science club inauguration _ OZONE DAY

World Wetland Day -2019 Programme
The World Wetland Day-2019 programme was conducted on 5th and 6th February 2019 at Digital Seminar Hall, K.S.M.D.B College, Sasthamcotta. The programme titled ‘SAVE WETLANDS, SAVE YOURSELF’ was funded by Kerala State Council for Science, Technology and Environment (KSCSTE), Govt. of Kerala. The programme was jointly organized by Research and P.G Department of Chemistry and Science Club of the college with the cooperation and involvement of local government.
On 5th February, poster and oral presentation contests were conducted based on the focal theme ‘Wetlands and Climate Change’. There was very active participation from the students.
On 6th February, the inaugural function began with the welcome address by Prof. P.K Reji, HOD, Chemistry. He explained about the importance of wetlands and their vital functions, values and services. The programme was inaugurated by Sri I Noushad, the President, SasthamcottaGrama Panchayat. In his inaugural speech, he mentioned about the steps taken by the Government for the protection of Sasthamcotta Lake. He also distributed prizes to the winners.
Sri. K. Karunakara Pillai (Chairman, Sasthamcotta Lake Protection Council) was honoredat the functionfor his dedication and tireless activities rendered to protect Sasthamcotta Lake. In the felicitation speech, Sri. K. Karunakara Pillai explained the challenges and troubles he had when he protested against the lake exploitation. Sri. Dileep, Member, SasthamcottaGrama Panchayatstressed on the necessary actions to be taken to conserve the depleting freshwater lake, which providesdrinking water to Kollam Town and nearby panchayats. This was followed by felicitation by faculty members of the departments. Dr. PreethaG.Prasad, Asst. Professor, Dept. of Chemistry delivered the vote of thanks.
This was followed by the Technical Session. Dr. Renjan Mathew Varghese, State Director, World Wide Fund for Nature-India (WWF-India) delivered an invited lecture on the topic ‘Our Wetlands: Valued or Wasted?’. The talk was very relevant and useful for the students and improved their knowledge about wetlands. There was very active participation from the students and good interaction with the resource person.
National Science Day Celebrations-2019
National Science Day Celebrations-2019 (NSD-19) was funded by Kerala State Council for Science, Technology and Environment (KSCSTE), Govt. of Kerala. A Science Exhibition was conducted on 28th February 2019 for school students. The exhibition was jointly organized by the Science club and all Science Departments of the college. About 300 students from various schools participated in the Science exhibition.
Theme of National Science Day 2020 : “Women in Science”
Name of the coordinator: Dr. Binusreejayan
Science Club of KSMDBC, Sasthamcotta, Kollam celebrated “National Science Day - 2020” from February 21- 26 , 2020 as a mark of respect to the most Eminent Scientist of India and the World, Dr. C.V. Raman. The whole event was sponsored by Kerala State Council for Science, Technology & Environment (KSCSTE) and supported by The Department of Science & Technology, Government of India. The theme of “National Science Day” for this year was “Women in Science”. National Science Day Celebration -2020 was officially inaugurated on 25th February at Digital Seminar Hall, KSMDB College, SAsthamcotta. Dr. C. Unnikrishnan (Principal, KSMDBC, Sasthamcotta) presided over the function. The programme is inaugurated by Dr. R. Raveendran, UGC Emeritus Fellow & Retired Principal, SN Colleges and he gave a talk on the topic “Why the Theme- Women in Science?” Dr. P. P. Lizymol (conferred with the Nari Shakti Puraskar 2017), Scientist-F & in charge, Division of Dental Products, Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences and Technology, Trivandrum was the chief guest of the inaugural session. Later she gave a talk on the topic ‘Polymers for Medical Applications’.
Period: 2020 onwards
Convener :Dr. Binusreejayan, Assistant Professor, Dept of Chemistry & Polymer Chemistry
Members: Dr. Dr. Manju M., Dr. Shameena Basheer N., Smt. Dhanya S. R., Dr. Shelma R., & Students from different science departments.
Science has always been an important part of our lives. Everything we do or experience is a scientific phenomenon. The field of science is ever-growing and expanding. Science Club is dedicated to provide proper incentive and inspiration for the pursuit of scientific knowledge in vigorous way by broadening their scientific outlook.
- Promotion of interest in science
- Promote/guide innovative science projects.
- To provide career information
To promote inquisitiveness among the school students and inculcate Scientific temper among
Action plan for the next year.
- Start Science Bulletin board to provide information on global updates in science
- Lectures by renowned scientists (guest speakers)
- Presentations and public outreach programmes.
- Enhance the science knowledge of students by conducting Quiz, Project Demonstration, Paper Presentation, Essay Writing and Elocution Competitions etc.
- Observation of important days to disseminate the importance of the said day among the students and acquaint them on the theme of the day of importance