Department of Zoology
Seminar on ‘Career after Zoology’ on 9th February 2023
Department of Zoology, K.S.M.D.B College, Sasthamcotta organized a one day seminar on the topic “Career after Zoology” to all the students of B.Sc. Zoology on 9th February 2023 at 10.30AM, Zoology seminar hall. Dr. Manju M. (HOD, Department of Zoology) welcomed the gathering and presidential address was delivered by Dr. K.C. Prakash, the Principal, KSMDB College. The seminar was inaugurated by Dr. Rani. S. Dharan, Assistant Professor, Department of Zoology, St. Gregorios college, Kottarakara. and delivered the Keynote address -Career after Zoology. She introduced numerous opportunities of Zoology students most of which were unknown to the audience with details and hyperlink. 62 students participated in the seminar. Dr. Prathibha kumari P.V. proposed vote of thanks. The seminar came to an end at 12.30pm