Health Education Club, KSMDB College, Sasthamcotta
The Health Education Club of the college aims to educate the student and staff community, other stakeholders and the public about leading a healthy life by organizing activities like
seminars, exhibitions, expert lectures and various competitions.
The club consists of a convener, and two members from the teaching community and students from various departments
Health Education Club 2018-2019
Convener- Dr. Manju M, Asst.Prof, Dept of Zoology
Members- Dr. Mini Chandran C, (HOD, Dept of Zoology),
Dr. Shelma S, Asst Professor, Dept of Chemistry
Dr. Shameena Basheer, Asst Prof, Dept of Physics
Around 90 students from various departments
Health Education club in association with Red Ribbon Club and NSS of the college conducted an awareness programme on AIDS –Know your Status on 7 th December 2018 which was extended to the Kudumbasree workers of Sasthamcotta GramaPanchayath .(56 participants) The function began at 2pm in the Digital Seminar Hall. Dr. Manju M., convener, Health Education Club welcomed the guests and participants. The meeting was presided over by Dr. Beena K, Principal., inaugurated the seminar and Dr. Rakhi S. Anand; (Junior Consultant in Gynaecology ,Taluk Hospital, Sasthamcotta) delivered the Keynote address on the topic. : “AIDS- Know your status”. She explained the causes of AIDS, the ways of transmission of the syndrome, various treatments available and the precautions to be taken to prevent AIDS etc. The Felicitations were offered by Dr. Madhu T., Council Secretary, Dr. Harikumar R.S, PTA secretary and Dr. Geethakrishnan P (Coordinator, Clubs and Forums). Miss Jinsy George, Student Convener, proposed the vote of thanks. The meeting was ended at 4.30pm.